As the nation mourns the loss of more than 500,000 lives to COVID-19, including more than 660 Mainers, the Biden-Harris Administration and U.S. Congress continue debating provisions of a COVID-19 relief package. Below are updates from various news sources and Maine’s federal delegation on COVID-19 relief, the Paycheck Protection Program, and more.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, Educate Maine and the Maine State Chamber of Commerce released their newest policy brief entitled “Higher Education in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Maine.” The partnership’s report explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Maine and provides recommendations for how the state and its institutions can work collaboratively toward effective and equitable access to post-secondary education for all Maine people.
Emergency bill will add grandchildren to the list
In a party line vote during Monday’s work session, a majority of the Labor and Housing committee voted to expand Maine’s Family Medical Leave (FMLA) statute, by adding grandchildren to the list of family members for which an employee can take FMLA leave. PORTLAND & AUGUSTA, MAINE -- On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, Educate Maine and the Maine State Chamber of Commerce released their newest policy brief entitled “Higher Education in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Maine.” The partnership’s report explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Maine and provides recommendations for how the state and its institutions can work collaboratively toward effective and equitable access to post-secondary education for all Maine people.
Eighty-two chambers of commerce, trade associations, businesses and institutions of higher education unite around the need for sensible immigration reform that helps grow Maine’s economy. On February 23, over 80 Maine businesses and higher education institutions announced the launch of the Maine Compact on Immigration. The Compact is a set of key principles for federal immigration reforms that are responsive to the needs of Maine’s employers, and for state and local policies to make Maine a destination of choice for immigrants, at a time when talent attraction and retention will be critical to the state’s economic recovery. The Compact’s signatories are representative of Maine’s diverse economy, including chambers of commerce, trade associations, individual businesses, and institutions of higher education that span the state.
In recognition of heart health month in February, here’s some heart healthy tips from Anthem.
February 2025