STEM Workforce Development in Maine Session IV: The Future of STEM Jobs and Innovation in Maine1/28/2021
Prominent community leaders, educators, and a parent of twin preschoolers release a film and report discussing the challenges created by the lack of high-quality early education and care in rural Maine
Community leaders from business including the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, law enforcement and retired military rhelped eleased a new report entitled “Early Childhood Programs’ Scarcity Undermines Maine's Rural Communities.” The report highlights the disproportionate challenges that rural children face in accessing high-quality early programs and other supports. A short film accompanied the report release and included views of this pressing problem from early educators, a superintendent, and a parent of twin 4-year-old boys. On the morning of Wed., January 27, the Maine State Chamber hosted a webinar session featuring Maine’s commissioners and bureau directors to provide members with an increased understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each state department, as well as the critical collaboration that occurs in the delivery of its programs.
Airing live on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, The Bottom Line builds upon the Maine State Chamber’s former cable access television show of the same name. The Bottom Line features a wide variety of guests and presents interviews relevant to public policy priorities both in state and nationally, to economic recovery efforts of the pandemic, and to other significant issues of interest to Maine’s business community.
Beginning February 1, the weekly public affairs program will livestream Monday afternoons
The Maine State Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the February 1 launch of The Maine Take with Dana Connors, a weekly public affairs and current events livestream program hosted by Maine State Chamber President and CEO Dana Connors. U.S. Senator Susan Collins will be Connors’ special guest on the inaugural episode, livestreaming this Monday, February 1 at 3:00 p.m. The Maine Take will livestream every Monday thereafter from 3:00 p.m. to approximately 3:45 p.m. on the Maine State Chamber’s website and on YouTube. Federal Update…
Since taking office last Wednesday, President Biden has issued dozens of Executive Orders. In addition to the orders outlined in Impact last week, the President has taken further actions aimed at fighting COVID-19. |
February 2025