Webinar 30 - May 4, 2021
Age Friendly Maine, Connecting Across Generations
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST Maine was designated as an Age-Friendly State in 2019, joining many cities and communities across the globe who are committed to becoming more inclusive of people of all ages. As part of this designation, Maine created an Age-Friendly State Plan to highlight many organizations doing age-friendly work and to outline specific goals to guide Maine’s age-friendly efforts moving forward. This presentation will provide an overview of Maine’s Age-Friendly State Plan and present ways that businesses can support age-friendly work. Additional information and additional links were provided in the chat session of this webinar. Please download the PDF below to access the chat session log and the presentation slides.
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Presented By:
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Supporting Sponsor
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Webinar Series Sponsors