Democrats approve two costly mandates on small business At its first work session of the Second Session of the 130th Legislature, the Joint Standing Committee on Labor and Housing sharply divided along party line on two bills that hold significant cost consequences for all Maine employers, but particularly small businesses. With all eight Democrats on the committee voting to approve, and all five Republicans opposing, a majority of the committee approved amended version of LD 225, An Act Regarding the Treatment of Vacation Time upon the Cessation of Employment, sponsored by Rep. Amy Roeder (D-Bangor), and LD 607, An Act to Restore Overtime Protection for Maine Workers, sponsored by Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland).
With the Second Session of the 130th Maine Legislature in full swing and many important energy and environmental issues ahead, Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine (E2Tech) is pleased to present two Legislative Preview forums in January. These forums are a chance for legislators, together with department heads and commissioners, to present their goals for the session and to engage with our members and hear their questions in a moderated discussion.
Airing live at 10:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, The Bottom Line podcast features a wide variety of guests and presents interviews relevant to public policy priorities both in state and nationally, to economic recovery efforts of the pandemic, and to other significant issues of interest to Maine’s business community. In January, the show will host the following guests discussing these pertinent topics:
January guests include U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Governor Mills, and state Senator Jeff Timberlake The Maine Take with Dana Connors launched its second season on January 4, 2022, with special guest Governor Janet Mills. Governor Mills spoke at length with host Dana Connors about the COVID-19 pandemic, with a look back at 2021, a look ahead to 2022, and her priorities for the coming year. The following week, on January 11, Connors hosted business owner and Senate Republican Leader Jeff Timberlake (R-Androscoggin) for his take on the pandemic; the challenges, rewards, and lessons of the past year; and his priorities for 2022 as the legislative session is underway. Episode 3’s special guest is U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who will appear live on Tuesday, January 18.
Did you know that people who have close relationships at home, work, or in their community tend to be healthier and live longer? One reason, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), is that we’re more successful at meeting our health goals when we work on them with others. NHLBI launched the #OurHearts movement to inspire us to protect and strengthen our hearts with the support of others.
MELIG recognized with the 2021 Weston L. Bonney Education Leadership Award for their leadership and commitment to Maine’s youngest learners On Friday, December 10, 2021, Educate Maine presented its highest recognition - the Weston L. Bonney Education Leadership Award - to the Maine Early Learning Investment Group, (MELIG), for their leadership and commitment to Maine’s youngest learners. The annual award honors an individual, group, organization, or Maine business that demonstrates leadership, commitment, and vision in ensuring that all Maine students have the opportunity to succeed. The award is named after Maine business, nonprofit, and education leader Weston L. “Wes” Bonney.
February 2025